Thursday, December 29, 2011

Some Drawings

Second post in a day! This must be a record of some kind.

I spent about thirty minutes reading all of my old blog posts and deleting several. I deleted the ones where I thought to myself, "I can't believe I talked like that. I was so rude and childish, in a bad way. I wouldn't ever want to read that. I don't want people to think of me like that." Those posts are said and done and gone. I'm trying to be more professional. I want to be funny, and kind of clever, but I don't want to be annoyingly childlike. I want to be interesting, but not wild. That's a difficult level to set.

On to the true purpose of this post. I shall share some drawings that are higher quality than the ones you saw, like, last May. I think I may have deleted that post. Please comment with feedback. Also, be sure to check out my new poll. Also also, if you have any feedback on the improved look of the blog, or any suggestions, tips or questions, please comment!

Animal Crossing girl

Ai, main character from the Animal Crossing movie

My deviantART ID. It's a cartoonish, anime version
of myself. The logo on my shirt is from Animal Crossing.
If you would like to see more, please visit my deviantART account: Thank you!

This is for my grandpa :-)

My grandpa and grandma (I call them Grampie and Grammie) live fairly close, and we went to visit them recently. It was really fun. We ate good food, I got a new sock monkey with a Santa hat and a white beard, and we just sat and talked. I only get to see them about once a year, sometimes twice. And Grampie told me that he was going to take my blog off of his list of bookmarked favorite websites on the internet if I didn't start updating more...
So this is for him. To make him happy and let him (and Grammie) know that I (and my family) had a great time with them.
Bye for now!

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Just a quick (and sad) thought.

I'm doing my midterm exam review for my science class, and I was just like, "Hm. Wouldn't it be cool if I could just type what I wanted to find in my binder for question # 30?"

That's when I realized.

I've become Google- and "Find on this page"-obsessed. o_o

<3, Jills

PS: So far, none this year (but close to flurries) but I'm hoping for a big fat snow! :-)

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Styling My Dolls' Hairs :3

Okay, it's not that strange, alright? A couple of days ago I had to clean my room. I dug up something from the world of 2004 or 2006. I have two American Girl dolls from... well, forever and a day ago. One that looks like me (back when they were called American Girl Today dolls) and one of the historical ones: Julie Albright, from 1974. I borrowed my sister's doll that looks like her (and hmm... what were they called when she got it? I can't remember. Oh yeah, Just Like You dolls) and styled their hair. Just for fun!!! And it kind of was.

Jessica, mine, with two braids. This was my favorite.
Jessica with pigtails. I COULDN'T GET THEM

My sister's doll, just with her hair down. I loved it this way.
It was so flippity at the end, so curled, and so I placed it
carefully and took a few pics.

Sis's doll with two braids. They're a little too flippity
to really work, if, like, she was a real person.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

Texas Rangers! ♥

It's been a long time since I've blogged about the Rangers, but I have a valid reason this time...


I had to get that out of my system. I almost missed the big moment last night when fireworks exploded in thousands of colors over the stadium in Arlington, all of the players racing from the outfield towards the pitcher's mound in the center of the field, jumping on top of each other and making a big pile, the others jumping over the railing of the dugout and joining the pile.

It. Was. Amazing.

We are gonna win it this year!!

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

My life's going okay, I suppose...

So since I haven't blogged in a while, and I've recovered from the guilt of leaving my California-trip-blogging for Christmas, I'll update all of you people on what's going on in my life.

  • I got inducted into my school's NJHS program.
  • I've been more obsessed with deviantART than usual...
  • I haven't touched my sketchbook for about a month. D:
  • I auditioned for May Belle Aarons from Bridge to Terabithia, my school's OAP for this year. But I got Girl 2. But I'm gonna be the best darn Girl 2 they've ever had!
  • I've been saving up for a 3DS, but I think I'm going to get a DSi XL instead.
  • That's about it.
Hope all of you are in good health--last week I had a spout of allergies and missed tons of work just from two days! Happy start of fall to everyone!
<3, Jills

Saturday, May 7, 2011

Finally, DRAWINGS!

Okay. Tonight I am going to share with you some stinky drawings from my sketchbook.
WARNING: Most of these were traced by me a couple years ago, when I had absolutely *no* artistic talent. I still don't. I'm going to make it a regular thing, though, posting pictures on here. I am ALSO going to get a DeviantArt soon to post stuff! Yayzers!
Please enjoy these pictures from my sketchbook. Also please comment and look forward to more drawings as my skills progress!!!!!! Thanks for reading!
Flynn Rider! Yes, I drew this myself recently with NO TRACING involved. And yes, I know that Flynn doesn't have guyliner. Hey, I was using my new Prismacolors and the black was a little dull, okay?!

Absotively posilutely failed attempt at drawing Yotsuba. Sorry, Kiyohiko Azuma, I CANNOT draw!

Failed attempt at Ena, another character from Yotsuba. Sorry again, Mr. Azuma!

Toad from Mario. Traced. Boring.

Sideways "Quinn", a character from a story that I'm writing. I was going to try to illustrate a scene in the story, so I tried to design what I wanted her to look like!

The VERY FIRSTEST PICTURE IN MY SKETCHBOOK. Yes, yes, tease and "poke fun" all you want. I know it's bad. I drew it July of 2008, for Pete's sake!

Saturday, April 30, 2011

REVIEW: The King's Speech

I just came home from the dollar theater, where I saw the PG-13 version of The King's Speech. I LOVED IT! OMB (oh my blachenshmadiggledorff, for all y'all UNCOOL peoples) I want to see it again. I LOVE TO HEAR BRITISH PEOPLE TALKING FOR LONG PERIODS OF TIME, LIKE TWO HOURS. Oops, I left caps lock on...
Yes, the movie is historical. No, it's not boring. Yes, there is one instance where you might cry if you get particularly sentimental about kings of England passing because of old age. And YES, it is VERY funny.
Prince Albert has a stuttering problem. Had it since he was, eh, four or five. After a failed attempt at finding a good speech therapist, he gives up, but his wife continues on. She discovers Lionel Logue. The first session with him and Prince Albert is kind of awkward, but they warm up to each other and become great friends.
Albert's father passes away, and his brother David takes the throne. Then, though, David desires to get married to a trashy lady who's already been divorced twice, and the Anglican church won't allow that. He steps down from the throne--so Albert must step up.
This movie is funny, inspirational, but don't expect a bomb to go off in the middle or anything. It's a quiet movie about a guy, a speech therapist and the crown he doesn't want to have put on his head.
Please watch it! Tank you! Bye!!!!!!!

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Theatre Audition

Today, it was my duty as a seventh-grade theatre student to audition for Theatre Production, a sort of "advanced theatre" class for eighth graders at my school. I was so nervous, I was shaking and I was dizzy and felt like I was gonna pee in my pants. We had to perform a monologue in front of the two (they're best buddies!) theatre teachers for our audition. I stumbled a little, talked fast and looked around everywhere. I was so nervous! I had to sit in a classroom for forty-five minutes with nothing to do but worry, practice, worry, worry, and have my stomach growl. It was torture! Though now I'm so glad it's over. But now I have to wait until the last day of school, two months from now, to get the results, if I made it in or not. Oh gosh, here comes the worrying again.....

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

REVIEW: One Red Paperclip by Kyle MacDonald

Yes, you heard me right. A red paperclip. Not just *a*, but *one*. Not blue, or green, or purple. But amazing, dazzling, bright, bold, lovely, passionate, angry, ferocious red.
Okay, SPOILER ALERT!!! WARNING: I am about to do the one thing a booklogger (book-review-writing blogger, like me) shouldn't do. I am going to reveal the end of the book. Most people who READ the book probably knew the ending. Actually, it says the ending on the *back* of the *book*. So dude, I think this is okay to do.

One Red Paperclip is about Kyle's, a Canadian's, desire to support him and his girlfriend, Dominique, who he refers to throughout the book as Dom. He's currently "between jobs", and sweet Dom helps him out. He's feeling frustrated and upset that he has to take from his girlfriend, so one day he's reminiscing about when he was a kid and when he played a game called Bigger and Better with his friends. They would spend a day, starting with a small item, and go door-to-door trading up to (you guessed it) bigger and better items. Kyle and his friends joked around, saying someday they could trade up to a car.
At first, it was just a crazy idea.
But it turned into a frenzy.
Kyle posted ads all over Craigslist for "one red paperclip". At first, offers trickled in, but when the idea spread around, they FLOWED. Kyle built a site and, as he got item after item, he went on more and more TV news shows, radio news programs, appeared in newspapers everywhere, online articles and other people's blogs. In no time, thanks to the cyberspacial generation (ooh, I just made up a word), Kyle's idea was everywhere.
Kyle traded the paperclip for a fish pen. For a doorknob. Hand-sculpted. For a camping stove. With fuel. For a generator. Which he couldn't take on the airplane. For an instant party. Which was odd. Offers rolled in. Highlight the next part if you want to find out what happened in the end. Kyle got a house in Kipling, Canada! They offered to trade it for the "one credited, speaking role in a movie" he received from Corbin Bernsen (yes, the dad on Psych). He got the movie role because he traded Corbin a light-up snowglobe that he got from this other guy who--oh, scratch this, I could go on all day.

Thanks for reading! Check out One Red Paperclip, it's an amazing book with some inspirational quotes nestled secretively in some of the pages, especially close to the end. Bye! PS--Wish me good luck, in one week is Theatre Production auditions!! MEEP!!!

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

REVIEW: The Big Book of Girl Stuff by Bart King

My first book review on my blog! Hip hop hooray it's here!
Just needed to get the sheer excitement out of my system. Smiley face attack!! *\:D/* :D :P :) :( XD >:( :3 :o o.O

Okay, I'm done now.
The Big Book of Girl Stuff is one of the best books I've ever read. That's really saying something--I've read hundreds of books in my young lifetime, and this is by far one of the most beyond, devastating, killer, homicidal, lush, perflippity, sherblit books I've ever read. (By the way, all those words came from the "Slang" chapter. All of them mean "awesome" or "good" in some way.) I have honestly never read this book cover to cover, but it's not the type of book to do that with. I guess that it's a girl survival book, but not really. It has a little bit about (ssh) puberty (sorry, I had to say it) but it doesn't go into detail AT ALL. It is NOT one of those types of books, okay? It is a hilarious book with activities, funny words, and in general, tons of things to make you laugh out loud and make you want to buy this for every other girl your age. There are chapters about fun stuff to do, babysitting, sports, names, beauty, HUMOR (and tons of it), girl secrets (about hiking in fields of flowers!) and quotes in every chapter from lots of smart women.
I recommend this book for 10-years-and-older girls. There is definitely not an age limit for girl readers of this book. But boys, this won't interest you. Try the Big Book of Boy Stuff, by Bart King also. (Well, maybe Girl Stuff will interest you. I don't know you! Wait, do I? Never mind. Both books are great for both genders, we'll just go with that.) And I can't forget that you can take the cover off of the book and reveal what it says on the cover underneath: Chemistry. AWSUM! The best girl book in the world disguised as a chemistry textbook?!?! Pure genius, Mr. King! You can also reverse the cover so it looks like a composition notebook. Also snazzy and stylin'.
Please check out this book on Amazon, or find Bart King's website. No, I do not know what the address is! Google it, for Pete's sake, people! I have to go watch TV now, 'cause that's how I roll. PEACE!

Sunday, February 13, 2011


I, for some reason, enjoy talking about stuff I like. I guess because I don't like to talk about stuff I don't like. And the opposite of that. I suppose it makes sense, so it's not just for some reason, it's for that reason. And something that I love so, so, so much is SpongeBob. I've been watching it for probably about seven years now, and I've seen almost every episode and special. I have so many SpongeBob things...the First 100 Episodes DVD collection (14 discs, 100 episodes and 32 hours of AWESOMENESS), a computer desktop, a blog address with my favorite character in it, a Beanie Baby of Patrick and one of SpongeBob, the movie on DVD, a Snuggie, and an utter dedication to it. No, I'm not ever going to go as far as the lady in one of my magazines (that's something I forgot to mention--my four special-edition SpongeBob magazines!) who has SpongeBob-themed tattoos up and down her arms. And maybe her neck. Hey, I'm a kid! I don't want a tattoo anyways!
Do youuuuu like SpongeBob? Or do you loathe it? Detest it? Want to throw your bowling shoes or loafers at it when SquidBob TentaclePants comes on (paired with Patrick SmartPants. Yes, I am weird. No, I do not care.)? Tell me! Do YOU have any freaky obsessions? Spill the beans! Comment on this post. Thanks for reading! Bye!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Weeks ago I promised a picture of Rapunzel, when I was still in my giddy I-love-Tangled stint. I feel bad that I didn't use the four days I was trapped in the house under seven inches of ice and snow last week wisely, to draw the pic...but whatever! Today I went on Animal Crossing City Folk and got my hair done. I had a blonde bedhead and now I have orange pigtails! SO adorable under my green knit hat. With my Gracie shirt.

I realize I'm dorky. Please don't click the little red X in the corner of your screen.

So on Friday, with my sister, I made a tiny snowman and we named him Flaps Junior (there is a Flaps Sr.....but it's a long story, basically it involves a two-year-old {my cousin once removed} and her stuffed penguin, Flaps, who "flaps his arms" and "jumps on the couch"...) but then Flaps Junior got crushed by his Dixie-cup hat, so we just sort of took off his head, and then we got the huge snowball my dad made, shoved it underneath the former body and middle of Flaps Junior, moved down his arms, redid his face...and wa-la! We made Flaps the Third! But then yesterday morning, Flaps the Third was melted!! All that remained was a little wet spot where he was.

Saturday, January 29, 2011

Animal Crossing

You know what's cool? Animal Crossing. Well, maybe not cool to YOU, King-slash-Queen of Coolnessness, but it's cool to ME. GameCube, Wii, DS, whatevs! My second fave is DS (first is City Folk, on Wii--third is the original, on GameCube...which kind of goes without saying, since I told you my first and second, and GameCube is the only choice left over...). I played it for, like, five hours today. I completely cleared my town of weeds, shells, fish, pears, recycling-bin items, lost-and-found items, and all flowers except for Bluebear's (he's my best friend and he's so sweet and I wouldn't want to upset him. Besides,  it looks like he's trying to cross-breed, and that's kind of hard, so I wouldn't want to interrupt him.)
I paid off my 17000 Bell mortgage so my house can expand. I bought medicine, paper, and a kiddie wardrobe from Tom Nook's shop so that he'll expand from Cranny to Nook 'n' Go tomorrow. I built two snowmen and donated a dozen things to the museum. I collected half a dozen items from my friends and was shown three boring worthless letters. I bought a yellow ribbon and reorganized my house. Then I pushed my friend Mint the squirrel until smoke came out of her ears. {Sorry, this probably doesn't make much sense to anyone but Maya. We used to talk about Animal Crossing together in our letters. I still have some of them!}

By the way, Animal Crossing is a video game where you're the only human living in a town full of animals. They all are forced to be your friend, and you can fish, catch bugs, buy counterfeit paintings, create designs and arrange your house. There's many holidays to be celebrated and many things to be collected.

I highly recommend this game, faithful, avid readers. I have it on all three versions. BUT, if you were to buy just one City Folk for the Wii. It's the most updated version, with the most holidays, PLUS a city to explore. With new shops and stuff.

I'll kindly post again soon to explain, more in depth, what Animal Crossing is. Unless I bored you terribly, to the point that you fell asleep on top of your half-eaten donut with sprinkles, which you stopped eating after you read this entry and got so bored you felt like napping. Which is completely understandable. Anyway, bye!!!! :D

Monday, January 17, 2011


The. Best. Movie. I've. Seen. This. Year.
Okay, so maybe it's the FIRST movie I've seen in 2011, but don't spoil my moment, 'kay? (by the way, happy 2011!!) As I type this, I'm listening to the Tangled soundtrack, which I promptly went out and purchased after seeing the movie. I put the Blu-Ray (which hasn't even been released yet) on my very early birthday list (see, this is drastic because my birthday isn't for, like, five months).
The reason I love the movie so much? I'm not 100% sure. Maybe Rapunzel is kind of like the girl I wish I could be. Strong, tomboyish, but someone who still is pretty enough to have this amazing golden hair (it's more like a mane, though) and wear a dress everywhere. And that voice! OMG, I am soooo jealous of this fictional movie character who doesn't exist and is simply a figment of the Grimms brothers' minds from when they wrote the fairy tales.
Yeah. I'm a bit odd.
Please comment!
PSS--I am going to attempt, this week, at a picture of Rapunzel. It might be in black and white, and anyway I'm a pretty stinkish artist, but I'm working on it. Bye!!
PSSS--One day later, and I'm listening to the CD on my iPod again. My favorite song is When Will My Life Begin (not the reprises, though they certainly aren't bad). But I was just listening to I Have a Dream, and Rapunzel sings, "I just want to see the floating lanterns gleam" and on "gleam" her voice goes all high, but definitely not screechy. It's all delicate and floaty and amazing. My jealousy continues.