I spent about thirty minutes reading all of my old blog posts and deleting several. I deleted the ones where I thought to myself, "I can't believe I talked like that. I was so rude and childish, in a bad way. I wouldn't ever want to read that. I don't want people to think of me like that." Those posts are said and done and gone. I'm trying to be more professional. I want to be funny, and kind of clever, but I don't want to be annoyingly childlike. I want to be interesting, but not wild. That's a difficult level to set.
On to the true purpose of this post. I shall share some drawings that are higher quality than the ones you saw, like, last May. I think I may have deleted that post. Please comment with feedback. Also, be sure to check out my new poll. Also also, if you have any feedback on the improved look of the blog, or any suggestions, tips or questions, please comment!
Animal Crossing girl |
Ai, main character from the Animal Crossing movie |
My deviantART ID. It's a cartoonish, anime version of myself. The logo on my shirt is from Animal Crossing. |