Sunday, February 13, 2011


I, for some reason, enjoy talking about stuff I like. I guess because I don't like to talk about stuff I don't like. And the opposite of that. I suppose it makes sense, so it's not just for some reason, it's for that reason. And something that I love so, so, so much is SpongeBob. I've been watching it for probably about seven years now, and I've seen almost every episode and special. I have so many SpongeBob things...the First 100 Episodes DVD collection (14 discs, 100 episodes and 32 hours of AWESOMENESS), a computer desktop, a blog address with my favorite character in it, a Beanie Baby of Patrick and one of SpongeBob, the movie on DVD, a Snuggie, and an utter dedication to it. No, I'm not ever going to go as far as the lady in one of my magazines (that's something I forgot to mention--my four special-edition SpongeBob magazines!) who has SpongeBob-themed tattoos up and down her arms. And maybe her neck. Hey, I'm a kid! I don't want a tattoo anyways!
Do youuuuu like SpongeBob? Or do you loathe it? Detest it? Want to throw your bowling shoes or loafers at it when SquidBob TentaclePants comes on (paired with Patrick SmartPants. Yes, I am weird. No, I do not care.)? Tell me! Do YOU have any freaky obsessions? Spill the beans! Comment on this post. Thanks for reading! Bye!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Weeks ago I promised a picture of Rapunzel, when I was still in my giddy I-love-Tangled stint. I feel bad that I didn't use the four days I was trapped in the house under seven inches of ice and snow last week wisely, to draw the pic...but whatever! Today I went on Animal Crossing City Folk and got my hair done. I had a blonde bedhead and now I have orange pigtails! SO adorable under my green knit hat. With my Gracie shirt.

I realize I'm dorky. Please don't click the little red X in the corner of your screen.

So on Friday, with my sister, I made a tiny snowman and we named him Flaps Junior (there is a Flaps Sr.....but it's a long story, basically it involves a two-year-old {my cousin once removed} and her stuffed penguin, Flaps, who "flaps his arms" and "jumps on the couch"...) but then Flaps Junior got crushed by his Dixie-cup hat, so we just sort of took off his head, and then we got the huge snowball my dad made, shoved it underneath the former body and middle of Flaps Junior, moved down his arms, redid his face...and wa-la! We made Flaps the Third! But then yesterday morning, Flaps the Third was melted!! All that remained was a little wet spot where he was.